Referrer & Contact Details:

Patient Details:

Safety & Risk Assessment:

Jones Radiology cannot guarantee onsite nursing care of patients, the hospital/care facility may need to provide nursing supervision. You are required to supply a nurse escort for any of the following presentations.

Patient is uncooperative, incoherent, unresponsive or cognitively impaired
Nurse escort required
Health is unstable
Nurse escort required
Unable to consume food and water unassisted
Nurse escort required
Unable to attend toilet unassisted
Nurse escort required
Intravenous drips, infusions, drains
Nurse escort required
SAAS, Private Ambulance service transport
Nurse escort required
Requirement to administer medication during visit
Nurse escort required


Your facility is required to organise a responsible person to travel with and care for the patient for the duration of their transit/visit

ActFas perform their own risk assessment and will not transport high-risk patients. If ActFas have approved transport, a nurse escort is not required.

Resus Status:

Please provide an Advanced Care Directive or Hospital Documentation with the patient on the day.

Allergies & Precautions:

Critical & Unexpected Findings Pathways:

Mobility Status:

Additional Comments/Notes:

Preferred Clinic:

We will endeavour to accommodate the preferred clinic however clinic options may be limited due to patient mobility and care status.


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